Oldies: If - Not Just Another Bunch of Pretty Faces (1974)
IF foi uma banda inglesa, de rock progressiva, formada em 1969. Uma contribuição da Inglaterrra para o movimento jazz-rock, iniciado nos Estados Unidos pela banda Chicago. O diferente dessa banda foi o destaque dado ao sax, tocado por Dick Morrissey e flauta e sax por Dave Quincy. Terry Smith era o guitarrista. J.W. Hodgkinson, o vocalista.
Integrantes em 1974:
- Pete Arnesen - keyboards
- Cliff Davies - drums, vocals
- Dick Morrissey - saxophones, flute
- Kurt Palomacki - bass
- Steve Rosenthal - guitar, vocals
- Fi Trench - piano
Studio albums
- If (1970) U.S. #187
- If 2 (1970) (1970) U.S. #203
- If 3 (1971) U.S. #171
- If 4 (1972)
- Waterfall (1972) U.S. #195
- Double Diamond (1973) - also released in Germany as This is If.
- Not Just Another Bunch of Pretty Faces (1974)
- Tea Break Over, Back on Your 'Eads (1975)
Compilation and sampler albums
- Forgotten Roads: The Best of IF (1995)
- Europe '72 (Live) (1997)
- In The Winter Of Your Life
- Stormy Every Weekend Blues
- Follow That With Your Performing Seals
- Still Alive
- Borrowed Time
- Chiswick High Road Blues
- I Believe In Rock & Roll
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